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Exam Number | 1Y0-203 | |
Exam Name | Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration | |
Questions | 173 Q & A | |
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1Y0-203 Question Bank : Download 100% Free 1Y0-203 Practice Tests (PDF and VCE)
Exam Number : 1Y0-203
Exam Name : Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration
Vendor Name : Citrix
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You will unleash the true power of killexams.com 1Y0-203 Latest Topics when you take the real 1Y0-203 exam. Everything we provided in your download section will appear on the actual 1Y0-203 exam in real-time. Therefore, we suggest downloading 100% free Study Guides to evaluate 1Y0-203 sample questions, then registering and downloading the full version of 1Y0-203 PDF Download on your computer and going through the questions. Practice with VCE exam simulator, and that's all.
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To successfully pass the Citrix 1Y0-203 test, you need to have a clear understanding of the course outline, exam syllabus, and objectives. Simply reading the 1Y0-203 coursebook is not enough. You need to familiarize yourself with the unique questions asked in the actual 1Y0-203 tests. For this, you should visit killexams.com and download our Free 1Y0-203 sample test questions. Once you are confident in your ability to recall these 1Y0-203 questions, you can enroll to download the complete Practice Questions of 1Y0-203 Actual Questions. This will be your first major step towards success. After downloading and installing the VCE test simulator on your computer, study and memorize our 1Y0-203 Actual Questions and take regular practice tests with the VCE test simulator. When you feel that you are ready for the actual 1Y0-203 test, visit the testing center and register for the real exam.

1Y0-203 Exam Format | 1Y0-203 Course Contents | 1Y0-203 Course Outline | 1Y0-203 Exam Syllabus | 1Y0-203 Exam Objectives
Exam ID : 1Y0-203
Exam Title : Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Administration
Number of Questions : 64
Duration of Exam : 90 minutes
Passing Scores : 70
Candidates should have knowledge of the following prior to taking this exam:
• Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server
• Install and configure operating system options
• Windows Server roles
• Domain Name System
• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
• Basic knowledge of Active Directory
• User rights and permissions
• Delegation of administrative rights
• Active Directory Domain Services
• Active Directory Certificate Services
• Users/Groups
• GPOs
• OUs
• Basic administration skills, including:
• Networking protocols such as TCP/IP
• Communication protocols such as RDP
• Firewall concepts
• E-mail administration and account creation
• Remote Desktop Services policies and profiles
• VPN technologies
• Folder redirection
• Ability to create shares and give permission to shared folders/files
• Ability to create and modify AD group policies
• Knowledge of database concepts
• Securing network communications
• Knowledge of virtualization concepts
• Hypervisor management
• Application virtualization and delivery
• Virtual machine creation
• Architecture of virtual machine attributes such as
• Storage
• Knowledge of user profiles
• Knowledge of storage concepts
• Knowledge of desktop operations
• Installation, setup, configuration and maintenance of virtual delivery agent
• Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10
• Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
• Linux
• Managing client devices
• Windows devices
• Linux devices
• Mac OS devices
• Tablets
• Smartphones
• Thin clients
We recommend that candidates have at least six months of experience with the following Citrix technologies:
• XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
• StoreFront 3.x
• Citrix Gateway 12
• Citrix Profile Management
• Citrix Receiver
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Citrix Administration practice tests
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